Monday, February 2, 2009

Cut fat

A blessed CNY dear readers! Chap Goh Mei hasn't passed yet.

My findings about recent CNY was, I do not feel hungry for even one second!
How blessed am I to have food whether rain or shine! Yes, I am truly bless!
And that's bad for my weight!
I'm not going to be ambitious to cut fat till the scale shows 40 kg because that would be unhealthy.
Plus..... fat is in my gen. =.=
No worry, my self-esteem is not affected. I've accepted this fact long time ago.
I do not want to be overweight.
I'm not overweight at the moment. =)
But very close to! O.o

How to cut fat?
With knife? How can? Unless I'm dead and you cut me to cut away the fat layer.
Please be civilized my friends. Knife means operation! =.=

Nah..... not going to do that.

Then how?

Exercise lo...

Jog and swim.
Badminton/squash or anything when I'm invited.
Captain ball.

Jog every morning since I do not have time in the evening. That would means sleep early and wake up early.
Jog/swim during weekend.
Captain ball every Monday.

Friends, mostly cfers currently.
However, no many people will wake up at 7am daily to jog right?

It's easy to plan but to hard to execute it. Grrr....
It requires high disciplines and patient.
Food wise...
So far, I will only fall for chocolate.
The rest doesn't matters much. I think.

God, I want to stay healthy for your service. Help me to do so!

Dear readers, please keep an eye on me! Thank you!

1 comment:

hwei said...

with knife - rofl! i aso need to cut fat. planning to swim like mad also!