Monday, February 9, 2009

Movie - The Climb

Date: 7th February 2009 ( Saturday )
Time: 7pm onwards
Venue: Nilai Gospel Chapel
Event: Movie Screening-The Climb (A not too old and not too new movie)

Synopsis: “The Climb” is a story of two solo rock climbers, Michael Harris (Ned Vaughn) and Derrick Williams (Jason George), who are brought together when they perform a daring rescue. The man they save is the son of retail mogul Mack Leonard (Dabney Coleman) who rewards Michael and Derrick by sponsoring a trip to their dream climb at Mount Chicanagua. The two highly esteemed climbers approach the sport very differently. Michael is a safety-conscious plodder driven by the beauty of creation. His goal is to reach the summit, and take whatever precautions necessary. Derrick is a flamboyant self-promoter bent by anger. He's a risk taker and will reach his dream at any cost. A clash of pride, styles, and character put both of their lives on the line.

Ok, I'm not a sales representative of this movie. =.=
Besides that, when I googled this movie, there are more than one 'The Climb' movie.
So misleading!

Findings: Of all the scenes in this movie. there are one scene that speak a lot of me. The part where both of the climber reached the top of the mount. The white guy inserts a cross at the peak of the mountain. Then, he takes off his wedding ring and put it at the cross. This white guy loves his wife so much. His wife died in an accident. He could even remember the exact day of him living without his wife around when he is being asked by the black guy. The black guy said to him that he should let healing takes place in his heart. I cannot remembered the exact text line. It's something like this.

Applications: For me leh, it is about my studies. How come I fail? There are a few possibility that I can think off. Maybe I'm not well prepared. Or things happened for a reason. Well, I'm hurt deeply that is for sure. 2 times failing! Can you imagine that? It ruins my testimony for Christ and conficence. It caused me my relationship with God. All go down to the drain. Life have to move on no matter what. I must leave this baggage behind because it slower down my speed to move forward. How do I do it? By putting everything on the cross. Every hurt and disappointment, bring it to my Lord Jesus Christ. Let him carries them for me because he handles things better.

Changes: Result will be out in one week time. My confidence of getting all pass is 50:50. I do not know what to expect. An all P word would bring a huge changes in my life and direction. At the same time, one F word would change things too. I want to be healed and move on. Nevertheless , Lord, may Your will be done!

Hwei, why la we blog at the same time?
And why la we choose to blog and not studying?
Because we both woke up late today.
Because we both had a power packed weekend.


1 comment:

hwei said...

lols. i'm featured in your blog. ahahaha. we always seem to blog more when we're supposed to do other things. ahhaha............. yeah, woke up late today. ish!