Holidays are ways too short for me. T.T However, one week is better than no holiday at all. ^^
Northern part of peninsular Malaysia has always been a mystery to me. It could be that I am in southern region for my whole life. Beside, traveling from south up to north is a long distance. I pity my father for driving 3 to 4 hours. I am only allowed to drive between Nilai and Malacca. -.-' So do not blame me for not helping out in driving. However, he brought me to drive on old trunk road where heavy vehicle is the king of the road. Yup, this is more challenging! See the way I 'drift'. LOL.
Panjang lebarnya...... my intro ( my blog leh, I like la! )
I was in Ipoh, Perak darul Ridzuan on the 24th to 26th. ^^
The town that is famous of its delicious local food. To add something interesting on top of that, I feel that Ipoh's girls are naturally beautiful. ( ahem, ask beng hui and geng yi. )
After planning one month before the day comes, the day finally comes. The original plan was, vivien, xiu mei, vincent and me will spend our holiday together in Ipoh cum care group outing. I think it was pretty cool ~~~ But sadly in the end vivien couldn't make it. Never mind, we'll go for another one.
Here we goes off to Ipoh~~~~ and sing the song, Ipohmali~~~~~
Xiu mei and me departed from inti at 2.10pm. The whole journey took us around 1.5 hours. We are supposed to meet vincent at Bukit Jalil Stadium. He was attending the 30 hours famine thingy where they fasted for 30 hours. Lo and behold, it rained suddenly. Wet! On top of that, we do not know which stadium to go. We walked around, a big round rather, under the shield of an umbrella to a Buddhist event! LOL! Sesat la! I thanked God that we managed to meet vincent because everybody is wearing the same t-shirt and it was so hard to identify. Off we go to have our dinner at 4.30 pm because this group of people have not eaten any solid food for the past 30 hours. Oh ya, in the end we got a free ride back to Ipoh. So all our effort of traveling under the rain sort of got paid off. ^^
We reached Ipoh around 8 something if I am not mistaken. We stayed in vincent's house. Thanks a lot our dear cg leader for letting us to stay in. We bathed, rested and watched the closing ceremony of Olympics too. LOL. We talked to his parents. Yea, they are friendly. A father with a smile. A soft-spoken mother. Xiu mei and me thought that we should learn to be like that too. Soft-spoken huh? Then, we went out mamak with his parents. How nice! We ordered tea, haha, got 2 colours and has mild ginger taste. I forgot the name. Talk and talk and talk. The clock showed it was almost 12. The night is still young I know but his mom needs to work tomorrow. So we had pillow talk in his house instead. ^^
Northern part of peninsular Malaysia has always been a mystery to me. It could be that I am in southern region for my whole life. Beside, traveling from south up to north is a long distance. I pity my father for driving 3 to 4 hours. I am only allowed to drive between Nilai and Malacca. -.-' So do not blame me for not helping out in driving. However, he brought me to drive on old trunk road where heavy vehicle is the king of the road. Yup, this is more challenging! See the way I 'drift'. LOL.
Panjang lebarnya...... my intro ( my blog leh, I like la! )
I was in Ipoh, Perak darul Ridzuan on the 24th to 26th. ^^
The town that is famous of its delicious local food. To add something interesting on top of that, I feel that Ipoh's girls are naturally beautiful. ( ahem, ask beng hui and geng yi. )
After planning one month before the day comes, the day finally comes. The original plan was, vivien, xiu mei, vincent and me will spend our holiday together in Ipoh cum care group outing. I think it was pretty cool ~~~ But sadly in the end vivien couldn't make it. Never mind, we'll go for another one.
Here we goes off to Ipoh~~~~ and sing the song, Ipohmali~~~~~
Xiu mei and me departed from inti at 2.10pm. The whole journey took us around 1.5 hours. We are supposed to meet vincent at Bukit Jalil Stadium. He was attending the 30 hours famine thingy where they fasted for 30 hours. Lo and behold, it rained suddenly. Wet! On top of that, we do not know which stadium to go. We walked around, a big round rather, under the shield of an umbrella to a Buddhist event! LOL! Sesat la! I thanked God that we managed to meet vincent because everybody is wearing the same t-shirt and it was so hard to identify. Off we go to have our dinner at 4.30 pm because this group of people have not eaten any solid food for the past 30 hours. Oh ya, in the end we got a free ride back to Ipoh. So all our effort of traveling under the rain sort of got paid off. ^^
We reached Ipoh around 8 something if I am not mistaken. We stayed in vincent's house. Thanks a lot our dear cg leader for letting us to stay in. We bathed, rested and watched the closing ceremony of Olympics too. LOL. We talked to his parents. Yea, they are friendly. A father with a smile. A soft-spoken mother. Xiu mei and me thought that we should learn to be like that too. Soft-spoken huh? Then, we went out mamak with his parents. How nice! We ordered tea, haha, got 2 colours and has mild ginger taste. I forgot the name. Talk and talk and talk. The clock showed it was almost 12. The night is still young I know but his mom needs to work tomorrow. So we had pillow talk in his house instead. ^^
25th of Sept
Everybody overslept except me. -.-' I think it was because I couldn't sleep well at night. ( no nid to feel bad vincent. ) We went out for breakfast at old town and sight seeing. We went to clinic too! Nola, we waited in the car while his dad go and get mc. We had white coffee, yong tau fu, zhu jeong fan. Sorry no pics. Hmm.... Not bad. Nice! Taste almost the same as Malacca food except for white coffee. Not sure what they added into the coffee. O.o
Then.......we went home. Well, nature's call for all of us at the same time! LOL.
Next --> kek lok tong
Cave! Yes! Cave! Beautiful indeed! It is none other than the great work of our Creator! The Maker of heaven and earth. The cave was somehow converted into a temple. The characters of journey to the west is here too! I will let the pictures to do the talking.
Next --> Tortoise pond
Then we went one round without seeing the sign of tortoise. So we started calling out Master Ougui!
Next--> Duck rice
A bit similar to the the shop in taman merdeka, Malacca where my primary school classmate is the chef. We went to get heong peng in a shop a few doors away.
Next --> Nap time
Human needs rest right?
Next --> Evening session
Fill our empty stomach by searching cendol which couldn't find and ended up in a mamak stall where we got slaughtered. T.T It was drizzling already. NO......... We are going to a park for a walk!!! In the end, we did went to park but too bad it was raining. We sat in a car and bought a bowl of cendol from a random seller.
It was almost dinner time already. This guy bermegah-megah want to show us his primary and secondary school and the town. This was the part where xiu mei had to really scream and shout for food. Hey, that was no ordinary screams and shouts! I closed my ears to protect my ear drum while vincent suffered because his hands were on the steering.
It was almost dinner time already. This guy bermegah-megah want to show us his primary and secondary school and the town. This was the part where xiu mei had to really scream and shout for food. Hey, that was no ordinary screams and shouts! I closed my ears to protect my ear drum while vincent suffered because his hands were on the steering.
Next --> Lou Wong ( Dinner )
Next --> Visiting (sherene)
My father asked me to check whether his Sunday school's teacher is still there. Yes, she is still alive! LOL. The world is so small. Her husband is currently a speaker in RBS. Hohoho! So to say I met up with her husband without knowing that his wife was my father Sunday school's teacher. LOL. We joined in young working adults prayer meeting in Elim Gospel Hall. Yay yay! More food to eat!
Next--> Visiting (xiu mei)
Meet church's friends before she flies off to UK.
Next --> Back to vincent's house at 12 for we are all good girls and boy.
Another pillow talk session.
26th of Sept
Breakfast at one of the shop. Try out variety of local chinese food.
Next --> Kellie's Castle
This is the part where he went sesat! -.-'
We passed by 2 rows of abandoned shop houses where people practiced black magic sometime ago. Imagine if you pass by at night! Wooo~~
Next --> Some shop
Next --> Bus station
Thanks a lot vincent. You're good boy, good host and good person. ^^
Thanks xiu mei for coming along. You're good good and lovely lovely person. ^^
Thanks xiu mei for coming along. You're good good and lovely lovely person. ^^
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