Monday, August 18, 2008

3 or 4 ???

Here comes result from the second sitting of ACCA.

One passed! Two down!

Well, I'm still at peace. It could be because I've expected it to be this way.

So, you see? It is not that I was being pessimistic but prudent!

Prudent is one of the accounting concept, which means making the best possible judgment.

Ever since the examination ended in June, I have actually been thinking about it.
Things like how many paper to enroll next semester, what if this paper fail, what subject should I drop and what should remain, etc.

I guess somehow you know it yourselves of your performance in exam, provided you are honest enough with yourselves. However, this is not always the case as there might be some other factor.

So, my plan is to do 4 papers. I have been praying about this matter over the last 2 weeks. There are still no clear answer/direction. Exam fees will only need to be submitted next month.

Let us compare the pros and cons of taking 3 and 4 papers.

3 papers
-Less stress, less hectic.
-Have more time for lots of things.

-It would be my second times attempting this papers and thus it is a waste of time for me to push forward one papers.
-De-motivated. Listening to the same lecture all over again.

4 papers
-The mentality of " When you know that you don't have enough time, you won't waste too much time on unnecessary activities."
-As all 4 papers are my second attempts, it will take a shorter time for revision and have time to go through one more round.

-Extra load of stress. Not many people will do 4 papers in one go.
-A seriously serious study timetable and attitude is needed.
( Nerd? )

Both have their pros and cons.

So? How?

The answer is,

-To be confirmed-

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