Monday, July 6, 2009

Loving the unloving

I got back from Kuala Lumpur Hospital around 10:30 pm. I am fine here. I did not get admitted into hospital. :) I visited my dad's friend. A secondary school classmate to be exact. However, I waited outside neurology unit the whole time because visitng time was over and the security guard is particular about visitors coming in. And so I did not manage to visit my dad's friend.

I choose to follow dad after dinner though I do not know who is that because I have nothing better to do. >< Yea, a boring Monday night. On our way there, dad said that 2 hours ago, some of his brain vessels burst. Vessels keep on bursting! His condition has gone from bad to worst. The chances of him staying alive is less than 50%. Stroke kills! The following few lines get me thinking. According to dad, he is an arrogant, hypocrite, boastful and envious rich kid who somehow couldn't mix with other classmate from their school days until now. He doesn't know how to socialize and he segregates science and art class students. Despite of that, dad and 2 more friends still went on and visited him at his death bed.

Could such thing ever happen? Yes, it happened!

It is easy to love those who loves you but it is hard when you have to love someone who gets on your nerves every now and then. But behold! I've got the love of God in me! :) And am grateful for that. God loves me when I was so unworthy to be loved because of the sinful nature in me. He enables me to love in an extraordinary way, more than I can ever imagine through the finished work of the Lord Jesus on the cross. An examplary example of love has been set for all.

May the love of God flow through me.

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