Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Last minutes!!!

I am hiding my anger.


For those who know me well enough, I do not like to do things last minutes.

You are the one who initiated it but I do not see any effort from you despite of me giving you tonne of suggestions to get things done. You want me to do it instead. Is anything wrong with your interpersonal skill? You knew it from the very beginning that you wanted to do this and you did not get it done and procrastinated. Things would be much more perfect if you realized this earlier. If you want to do something, please do it well. Do not waste my time on doing nonsense. You do not seems to get me when I am already giving you a clear and simple answer to your question, I've repeated 3 times my answer for a few questions. I feel like a bad guy right now for helping you. Chasing money? Keep on msn-ing people despite of unclear direction of what to do? I know you are busy on other matter which is important too. Let me repeat again. I do not mind helping. However, what is the use of doing something without direction? Why play football where you do not know where is the goal post? Why study when you do not intend to get a qualification in hand? Why never practice management theory of delegation when you are being exposed to this subject in your course of study?

Nevertheless, I hope everything goes well after all the planning.

God, I am disappointed and angry.

Teach me patience
Teach me love
Teach me forgiveness

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