Saturday, August 14, 2010

notes from a soon to be stock buyer :D

Interesting facts picked up from this course, :)

Accounting is the language of business, you have to learn it like a language. You can't be comfortable in a country if you aren't comfortable with the language. To be successful at business you have to understand the underlying values of a business.
-Warren Buffet-

Want to meet Warren Buffet? You can meet him in his old school, University of Columbia, New York. Please pay USD$144000 to be his junior. You might be able to have meal with him when he visits his old school. :)

Buying stock is like buying a property, eg, a house. There are a lot of homework/research to be done before you acquire it.

Most of the investors in retail market get almost 0% return. So, if you want to gamble, please choose Genting. At least, the chance of winning is 30%.

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