I was late for class!!!!!! That was the result for sleeping on for another half an hour. :D
As I waited anxiously for bus to class, a biker with his red bike, changed from its moving vertical position to slightly skidded horizontal one, then to the ground. The biker got up immediately after the fall! (eh?) With a firm hand, instructed the gray proton car driver to pull over at the side of the road. All those actions proof that no injuries happened on him. (Thank God!) Indeed, he is still in one piece. Some conversations took place at the side of the road. I couldn't comment much on this. I had no idea what was their topics of discussion. Could it be deciding on the amount of compensation? Or just some words of apology? I think at least a minimal of compensation had to be compensated to the biker though no damages could be spotted on his bike. Maybe for a few secs of traumatic, mental distress and psychologically tortured? Who knows, it might haunt him for life after that? So money is the solution huh? lol In less than 15 mins time, both of the main characters of this incident left the scene, in peace. :)
Location: Wan Yit Restaurant ( Don't get fooled, it is a hawker center. ) Time: 8 pm
Dad is away for business trip in China. So we are on our own for dinner. One more thing is that my ex-roommate and her friend shifted here. I'm so glad that we are now close in distant, just like the days in inti. I don't have to be a lone ranger anymore. Hooray! We had dinner together with my sister. All girls. :)
We found a suitable spot to dine after looking around. I offered to sit and waited for them at the table while they went to get their food. Then,
Waiter 1: ( look at me without uttering a word ) Me: Air suam
My sister came back from ordering her food after like 2 mins. Then I went to get mine. It took me around 2 mins because I checked on the rest of the 2 girls, as it was their first time here. We walked back to our seat then.
Waiter 2: Minum apa? Ex-roommate: sheet cha Rong Bin: yee mai panas
Around 2 mins or so, my sister's food came. Drinks ordered from waiter 2 follow suit. At this point of time, I assume waiter 1 has forgotten my order - air suam. So I ordered another one from waiter 2 and told him that I've ordered one before this and it has not come yet. 3 mins passed. All of our food came. Next, finally, came my air suam which I ordered from waiter 2. I like waiter 2, he is so efficient!
When I was about to take a second bite of my food, waiter 1 came with my air suam which i first ordered. O.o
Me: Boleh ambik balik ar? saya oder satu lagi sebab saya ingat kamu luper. Waiter 1: takda luper, banyak orang kena tunggu la, ambik. Me: ambik balik la. orang lain mesti oder air suam. jangan bazir. Waiter 1: ambikla.... Me: lama sangat la, saya ingat kamu luper, saya oder lagi. Waiter 1: banyak orang la.... Me: awak ambik balik la. kalau kamu tak nak ambik balik, saya tolong kamu ambik balik kasi boss. Waiter 1: ( murmured some foreign language ) ambik balik la ( continue scolding me I believe with foreign language while cleaning the table beside )
Is it alright for me to say the last line? 7 mins for a glass of air suam?
Wat's up with those vehicles? Okay, I'm not in an automobiles exhibition. I was waiting for bus at the bus stop to get to class. The answer is they all crashed each other. Yes, for real.
Exclusive report as follows:
Reporter: Sherene Tan
Genting Kelang, Setapak- The incident happened around 4.35 pm yesterday in front of Public Bank, near the bus stop. A young lady stopped a red taxi and the taxi pulled over to pick her up. Before she could do so, a cement lorry came from behind and ramped over the taxi's boot despite of a clearly turned on signal lights. It shows that the driver of the lorry was not concentrating on the road. It gave a loud bang. As well as a loud "OOOii" from some pedestrains. The taxi's boot crashed in a twinkling of an eye, revealing the NGV gas tank installed in the boot. Many were thankful that the tank did not explode. Not forgetting the young lady, she did not get into the taxi else it will caused her injuries. The impact from the cement lorry was so great that the red taxi hits a green taxi's boot parked by the side of the road and this green taxi skidded thus hits the boot of a new proton saga parked beside. As usual, many came and encircled the scene - a common phenomenon. Then, a "kepoh" motorist came out from nowhere with the intention to partake in this commotion. Unfortunately, his bike fell into a hidden hole by the road side. A few kindhearted passerby helped him up from his bike. He was not injured but he might experienced a little shocked. Thereafter, we could see another common phenomenon there is, many passing vehicles slower down their speed to watch, hence another groups of partakers of this commotion. The driver of cement lorry went to make a police report. It was quite a bad choice because he should have stayed at the scene and mourn over the mess he created. Perhaps an attempt to lower the amount of damages he has to compensate. How much can a lorry driver compensates anyway? May God have mercy on him.
Note: The reporter was standing 2 meters away from the cement lorry and 4 meters away from the crashed red taxi. She is utterly thankful that she is alive. In conjunction with this, she would like to express her heartfelt gratitude of God sparing her lives. She sms-ed dad, mom, sisters and cj to share this experience. In order to share this surreal story to the world at large, this post has to be penned down here.
Advise: Love your life! Do not take it for granted! Think of your loved one!